We were lucky enough to be among the millions who went to DC for inauguration earlier this month. Needless to say, it was awesome to see history in the making. And it was almost AS awesome to be introduced to the wonder that is blue crab.
We also learned how to crack the crabs the right way. With tools! Our waitress "Meg" gave us the tutorial, and in a matter of seconds we slapped on our bibs, mallet and knife in hand, and went to work.
I've never been a big fan of crab. I've always felt like it required too much work, and the returns for all the effort are just not worth it. But with Meg's tutorial, I felt confident. I had direction; I was getting bigger chunks of crab meat. It was so much fun! And you better believe I tore up that mallet. At the end of the meal, I realized that my bib was on the floor. Who knows for how long. It was that good. Mmmm. Thanks Lissy and Diana for taking us to the Dancing Crab and helping us see crab in a whole new way!
We topped it off with malt shakes at Z Burger for dessert, which was a recommendation from our ever-so-helpful waitress at the Dancing Crab. (We love Meg!) I had a swiss chocolate maltshake - soooo heavenly. Yes, it felt like 15 degrees outside, and yes, my fingers felt like they'd fall off at any second. But I would do it all over again! If I could only find a place in the Bay Area that has maltshakes that good.